Infant Oxygen Hood Useful For a New Born Baby
Actually, the oxygen hood is a continuous positive airway pressure used for babies who require more support to breathe. An infant oxygen hood machine passes oxygen through tubes with flexible nasal points.
These are the translucent plastic shell that encloses the baby head. The use of this hood comes when you have to stay away from the direct flow of cold oxygen on baby’s face and head. The shell is planned in a way so that other parts of the body for example - chest, stomach, etc. can be touched. The opening is normally soft keeping in mind the safety of the baby so that they don’t get hurt. The oxygen hood is found in various shapes and sizes.
Oxygen Hood uses?
The plastic tube is kept over the baby’s head. A transparent and soft tube known as nasal cannula may be used in place of a hood. It is used for babies who need help during breathing, but don’t require a machine to fully breathe for them.
What causes low breathing?
The disease is generally occurred by a lack of a greasy material in the lungs known as surfactant. This substance assists the lungs to fill with air and keeps the airbag from shrinking. The surfactant is present when the lungs are completely developed.
What is a standard oxygen level for a baby?
Normal oxygen saturation for a newborn baby is 84 to 90 percent. A newborn baby who is not able to keep a minimum oxygen dispersion stages, whether complete term or premature, may be positioned on additional oxygen.
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